Trusted by global leaders from leading companies

Trusted by the world’s best companies

Ranjit Varughese
Group Vice President, Technology
PVH Corp (Fortune 500)
I could not be happier. One of the best decisions I ever made. Neofelis not only delivered on their promise but exceeded my expectation. Each step of the way I was informed of progress, market challenges and transparency of their approach. In the end, they presented me with 5 extremely qualified Director candidates.

Roger Young
Chief Human Resources Officer
Li & Fung (20 B$)
As a former CHRO of a $ 20 billion global multinational undergoing a significant digital transformation, we engaged Neofelis to partner with us to build our global technology organizational capability. Eduardo is aggressive, innovative, sharp, fast to pick up and learn the business, and offered us very high touch, confidential, senior executive digital/technology talent and leadership search capability.

Hanno Stegmann
Chief Executive Officer
Rocket Internet
Searching and selecting CEO worthy talent for our new ventures has so much impact on our business. We’re glad we found someone who goes the extra mile and more. Truly impressive talents were presented. Eduardo’s persistence and ability to bond with candidates was often highlighted during interviews. He acts as a true business partner who gets your vision across to the very best talent.